​working hard!

​working hard!

Hello readers!

Thank you for visiting my website. Here's a glimpse of my background:

I grew up in Manhattan Beach, California, two blocks from the ocean. I've always loved to make up stories [ask my family!], telling my younger brother and sister whoppers that would leave them wide-eyed. My first rejection letter at age eleven was for a poem I wrote in class when I was supposed to be doing a math assignment. First job was in Fourth Grade in the school cafeteria, washing dishes and trays. Over the years, a myriad of odd jobs included telephone operator, lifeguard, camp counselor, reporter, book reviewer & columnist for the LA Times--whew--and finally, author!

Writing for children has been a dream come true. I still get to be a kid with wild imaginings, but also a teacher of sorts. Historical fiction is a great way to blend facts with storytelling, and even though sad and rough things happen in history, I always end on a happy note. It's the optimist in me, wanting to show kids there's hope and redemption in the least likely places.

Married for three-plus decades, my husband and I have two adult sons and two golden retrievers. We like to take walks!